In addition to specific writing services, I have acted as a creative sounding board for companies and individuals looking to launch new ideas and products. Maybe it's my improvisational background, but I love "yes and-ing." I can help you take your great idea to the next level. Let's kick it around.
Over the last few years, I have consulted on many projects for this rapidly growing multi-media company. Collborated in the development and production of animation, films, documentaries, commercials, television pilots and corporate videos.
Raw Media Inc.

Consulted on various projects for MTV Networks and Viacom. Specifically instrumental in Nickelodeon's launch of the "Nickelodeon Nation" campaign and the Games and Sports (GaS) Network.

Lifetime Television
Created new tag-lines and marketing strategies to target an expanding demographic.

SciFi Channel
Consulted on their "Enriched Classics" series. Conceptualized pop-up-style humor, factoids and animations to augment quintessential properties like "The Twightlight Zone," "Star Trek" and "The Incredible Hulk."